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Numair Salmalin

(Born Arram Drapper)


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Numair Slamalin is a wonderful character from the books by Tamora Pierce, called The Immortlas. There are four books in the series, and I encourage you to pick them up!

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Who is Numair exactly?

So glad you asked! So let's get on with it!

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A History of Numair

Numair Salmalin was born in 422 H.E. (Human Era), to parents in the country of Tyra.

    Numair is a black robe mage, which in the lands of Tortall, is a very high honor, and a dangerous one to attempt to earn. This robe is possessed by only 7 mages in the entire world. Though Numair always plays it down. At one point when his student, Daine (who is also the main character of the Immortals books) asks what robe he is, he responds:

"None, ever put one of those things on? They're hot." Wild Magic p. 249

He has also told her the learning needed to gain a black robe is not worth much in the real world, though Daine thinks much differently when she see's him turn an enemy mage into a tree!

And of course any Numair fan knows he simply must look extremely dashing and handsome in such a robe! (^_~)

The Physical Side

    Numair is a very big man. Big as in height. I don't believe there is anyone in the books taller than he, except the immortal basilisk, Tkaa. Well, actually, Sarge, the The Queen's Rider trainiee instructor, who is a former slave from Carthak, is taller than Numair.

    We're told Numair stands 6'5, broad of shoulder and muscular. And yet for all that, he is described to move as gracefully as a giant cat.

He has at least shoulder-length black hair, which is said to be hard to keep contained ^_^. He is given some helpful advice by Daine:

"It's easier if you wet it (a hair band) before using it on your hair. When it dries, then it shrinks." Wild Magic, p.67

Numair has long, shadowy brown eyes, and Daine describes him as having a voice that is in a mid-ranged, warm, and a little hestitant.

    Now if that does not sum up one FINE looking man, I just do not know what does. ^_~

    Personally, if you want to see a real life person who resembles Numair, I would have to say Jeff Goldblum, from Jurassic Park and Lost World, most closely resembles our tall mage-man.          Look at the discription written above and compare it with these two pictures! It's pretty close! (Also, we're told Mrs. Tamora based Numair on Mr. Jeff, though she says at some point every character must come away from whom you base them on).


                                                                                                                                                            Photo belongs to Jeff Dunas


A Mages Attire

       So what does a famous black robe mage put on in the morning? Hm, well, lets consult our best source, the books! One thing I noticed, and some people didn't was that Numair actually wears jewelry. On pg. 153 in Wild Magic, he and Daine are off with the Rider trainees to the summer training ground, Pirates Swoop. As a sleepy Numair rides up and promplty falls asleep, we read Daine's notice that Numair has shed the silk clothing of a powerful mage and friend of kings, to a simple tunic, shirt, and breeches. Also, that he isn't wearing jeweled pins and rings.

Though, he does have on piece of jewelry on his person, a "...large amber drop dangling from one earlobe...". Hm! Well, I did some searching, and came up with two different amber drop earrings that could possibly resemble what Numair wore that day they left they palace. (The first is a little girlie looking, but I liked the shape).

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A Mental Look

    Numair is a strong man in mind as well as body. Why do I say so? Well, he must be to have become one of the most powerful mages in the world, and the most powerful in all of Tortall.         Also, we know that he was made prisoner in Carthak, escaped, and actually had to juggle and do sleight of hand tricks in Tortall to survive for years before he was employed by King Jonathan and Queen Thayet. That must take tremendous strength of mind to endure.

    Numair is also one who is hard to anger. And when he does get angry, you do not want to be in his path. One particular part that stands out from the books makes me laugh, but I'm sure Numair did not find it at all funny: